
Writer - Artist - Musician

PriZ is a multi-faceted creative professional sharing high quality, art, music and prose. With over 7+ years of Creative Work and Training, PriZ can help you bring your vision to life


Illustrator with an obsession for Symbolic Design


Author with Authority over Rhetoric and Narrative


Record Producer with a taste for Sweet Life Music

Creative work done for the self is Art
Creative work done for others is Business
Let us do Art Business

Property of Matrix Technology ® ™ in partnership with MediaTech ® ™ All rights reserved.


Song Writing

Property of Matrix Technology ® ™ in partnership with MediaTech ® ™ All rights reserved.

Song Writing

Song Writing

One of the skills PriZ acquired
from over 7 years
of obsessively creating works
in different mediums of art is
As a by product of being an artist,
working with artists and producing records
PriZ has written hundreds of songs
and developed a simple
and incredibly intuitive technique
that will have your songs
writing themselves
leaving you
the artist to focus on
bringing the vibes, energy and ultimately
message you want to deliver
to the world.

Property of Matrix Technology ® ™ in partnership with MediaTech ® ™ All rights reserved.

Story Consulting

Song Writing

Writing a story is like...
being 4d in a 3d world.
observing and narrating
a group of characters
dealing with
a specific
This is all you need to know to write a story.
This, above average writing skill,
and the willingness
to express
the things life experience
has exposed you to
with your creativity
Simple Really.
If you have
A Unique and Original
concept or draft
in need of further development
and would like a system
to flesh out your ideas
and fill out your story
you are moments away from
access to a process
that will create
a coherent plot progression
through multiple storylines
that explores
a relevant theme
and issue
as it relates
to the lives
of memorable characters.
A Narrative Theory
and System
that will guide you to
collect creative ideas
that work together
for the story you want to tell.
Regardless of currently developed ideas.
you can start anywhere
and build your story
with additional ideas
that will make sense
and fit your story
illustrated well.
Following this system you will
build a Plot,
create and understand
a cast of Characters,
explore a Theme
Present a Genre

Property of Matrix Technology ® ™ in partnership with MediaTech ® ™ All rights reserved.


Song Writing


Have lyrics and need an instrumental?
Want to make a song and need some inspiration?
Begin the song creation process by
Contacting For A Custom Instrumental
or visit the Beat Store
and take your pick of
ready made high quality instrumentals
for your next song.

(Coming Soon)

The next stage in the song creation process is Recording
Contact to book a Recording Session and bring
your song one step closer to being shared with your fans and the world.


Need your song mixed?
You may have taken care of the above stages of the process by yourself or with my help.
But the next step is to mix your song.
Contact for Mixing Services


The final and perhaps most important stage is to
get your song up to current industry standards. Contact For Mastering Services

Property of Matrix Technology ® ™ in partnership with MediaTech ® ™ All rights reserved.


Please read intructions carefully for contact and allow up to 24 hours for response.

Illustration - Provide in as much detail as possible a description of your desired Illustration or DesignStory Consulting - Provide a brief log-line/synopsis of your story.
"A group of 4 geeky friends stumble upon the Bad Boy Bible and face off in becoming the ultimate Bad boys"
Custom Instrumental - Describe the feeling and inspiration for the instrumental as well as elements that must be in the beat for your intended vibe. You may also link a similar type beat.Recording - Book a studio recording session to get your next song recorded. (COMING SOON)Mixing - Provide a brief description of yourself as an artist/band with instructions regarding your vision for the song and mix. You will be contacted for the tracked out stems of your record.Mastering - Provide a link to the final mix file and 1-2 reference songs for your final Mix and Master.

Property of Matrix Technology ® ™ in partnership with MediaTech ® ™ All rights reserved.

Why Creatives Should Be Doing Power Work by PriZ

Song Writing

Power Work is a strategic action plan.
The idea behind it is simple.
Consciously Activate Flow.
Power and Work are not what most think it is.
Power is achieved by putting in the Work.
This article explores how to create systems that get work done.
Now, the reason you are reading this…HOW TO CONSCIOUSLY ACTIVATE FLOWMost think negatively about power.
Or that it’s always “aggressive”… it can be.
Most think “busy” or “trench work” is effective work.
Or that work has to be a “grind”.
You know… “HARD WORK!!” or “Rise and grind, BABY!”.
Work can take on these tones but…
This is not about “motivation” or “hustle”.
Anyone who values systems knows.
The greatest power operates “effortlessly”.
And “Hard Work is [Simple] Work”
I’m an “EASY WORK!!” kind of guy.
Work is supposed to be a welcome challenge.
It’s supposed to be fun and exciting.
Few realize this.
It’s hard to see because there’s a “block”.
A block that discourages and makes work hard.
And the worst part is when it happens…
The barrier between flow and well… block.
Block is pretty much none existent when you…
“Inspire yourself at the same time everyday”.
No need to wait for motivation or inspiration.
Get straight to work.
At the same time. Every day. (remember: still be human)
The best creators often had some “routine”.
I call routines Power Work Systems.A Power Work System is how you consciously activate flow.
A good system has 4 important qualities:
1) Efficient Processes
2) Automated Tasks
3) Measures and Reports
4) Performance Optimization
1) Efficient Processes
Processes are the backbone of a system.
A process is a course of action intended to achieve a result.
Processes should detail and outline important steps.
These steps should be simple enough for most people to follow.
2) Automated Tasks
Automation is KEY in powerful systems.
Your system itself is an automation.
To make it more efficient, automate repetitive subtasks.
Use computers to handle as many sequential tasks as possible.
3) Measures and Reports
Metrics that “move the needle” should be tracked.
Timely reports for these should be compiled and analyzed.
4) Performance Optimization
Aim to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of your systems.
Do this by streamlining processes and setting goals.
__ __
Goal Organization and Productivity StrategiesA strategy for productivity and goal setting I learned from a friend:Think of time frames as SPRINTS where you have objectives.
1) Yearly
2) Quarterly
3) Monthly
4) Biweekly
For each of these time frames you have:Metric goals - Your “SMART” goals.
Overall goals - How do you reach these goals?
Subtasks - The tasks required to complete overall goals.
The subtasks are then to be detailed like this:Flows - The overall systematized flow of steps.
Roles - Who is involved (You, team, outsource etc..)
Responsibilities - What each person is actually doing.
Tasks - A checklist of steps from the flow (most important).
__ __
Why Power Work?People who accomplish things saw it before they did it.
What was their secret?
Their own conceptualization of POWER WORK.
You must decisively take actions to realizing outcomes… WITHOUT doubting and being averse to risk.This is a system you can use to create action plans and accomplish objectives that “domino” towards bigger objectives.The mission may very well be a challenge to accomplish… butYou’ll lay out stupid simple steps to follow.
You’ll have efficient processes in place.
You’ll handle repetition with automation.
You’ll track and report performance.
And you’ll set optimization goals.
Let me ask you a question…How can you fail when you have the map and are excited to explore the terrain?…You Can’t.This is Power Work.Your friend,PriZ.

Property of Matrix Technology ® ™ in partnership with MediaTech ® ™ All rights reserved.